Centre for Education Economics roundtable forum: ‘changes in international assessment methodology over time’

Centre for Education Economics roundtable forum: changes in international assessment methodology over time

Speakers: Dr John Jerrim, University College London
Date: 06 Jul 2017 Venue: 57 Tufton Street London SW1P 3QL
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Type: Seminar Fee: Visit the CfEE website for more information

Cambridge Assessment is sponsoring a Centre for Education Economics (CfEE) roundtable forum on Changes in international assessment methodology over time.

The CfEE is the new name for the CMRE, an independent think tank working to inform policy and practice in education with impartial economic research. In this roundtable Dr John Jerrim, Reader in Educational and Social Statistics, University College London, will talk about how international studies of educational achievement - such as the OECD’s influential Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) - are increasing in prominence and importance around the world, yet relatively little work has closely scrutinised the methodology behind how the scores are produced. Moreover, significant changes to the underlying methodology have been made to these studies over time, including the transition from paper to computer assessment and how responses to test questions are combined in order to produce the final overall country scores. At this roundtable, John Jerrim explores these issues and opens discussion on their implications for education policy and practice.

This event is exclusive to CfEE members only. If you would like to join the forum and be involved with CfEE’s initiatives, email James Croft, Executive Director on jcroft@cmre.org.uk.

Cambridge Assessment and its Principal Research Officer Tom Benton have carried out a lot of research into PISA, including A re-evaluation of the link between autonomy, accountability and achievement in PISA 2009 and Attitudes to learning – questioning the PISA data.

London SW1P 3QL