Blogs by The Assessment Network

What does it mean to put assessment front and centre of your teaching practice?

by The Assessment Network, 08 July 2021
George Vlachonikolis
George Vlachonikolis has taught Economics for A Level and IB for 10 years. Currently he is studying on the Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Educational Studies: Educational Assessment (PGCA) and in this blog he details how the PGCA has built his confidence and expertise as an assessment practitioner and reflects on the things that have shaped his assessment identity.

Fit for the future: How the PGCA is designed to support assessment practitioners innovate and progress in their professional life

by The Assessment Network, 11 June 2021
Man with laptop in a library
In this blog, Dr Simon Child, Head of Assessment Training at Cambridge Assessment Network and Course Co-Director for the Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Educational Studies: Educational Assessment (PGCA) discusses how knowledge, authority and confidence in assessment practice can equip practitioners for the future.

Why assessment training may be the most valuable CPD for your staff

by The Assessment Network, 17 March 2021
Woman at training event with hand up
Simon Child, Head of Assessment Training at Cambridge Assessment Network, believes the time is right for robust assessment training that empowers teachers to contribute to the debate about the future of assessment. In this blog, from Laura Wheatman-Hill at TES, he explains that the current situation, and indeed the past year is shedding light on the need for change.

Not all assessment is built the same - how can we ensure positive learning outcomes?

woman at desk
We spoke with teacher and freelance assessment consultant, Verónica Floretta, on her career in assessment and how Cambridge Assessment Network's new online course, A104: Psychometrics in Educational Assessment, has led her to reflect on the best ways to structure tests to ensure positive learning outcomes - not only in high stakes testing but also in the classroom.