Online learning and teaching resources from Cambridge Assessment

by Guest Blogger, 01 April 2020
A girl studying through remote learning and watching an online lesson

The novel coronavirus outbreak presents huge and unexpected challenges for the education community worldwide. As an international exams group our overwhelming priority is to ensure that our people feel supported, including our learners, test-takers, teachers, examiners and staff.

We are committed to supporting our global community of learners, educators and assessment specialists to alleviate anxieties and promote productivity during this difficult period. Here we have collated all our available resources and digital products from across the organisation to support and enable remote teaching and learning. 

Cambridge Assessment English

Support for teaching and learning English online

Working towards a qualification from Cambridge Assessment English? This section is designed to help you navigate the wealth of resources produced to support English teachers and their learners.

Cambridge English continues to enjoy a strong partnership with FutureLearn. The latest development has been the emergence of Massive Open Online Courses. These are free courses that focus on self-study and personal development. Courses are written by experts from Cambridge English and are supported by FutureLearn.

Join nearly 50,000 others in the free course Teaching English Online and find out about the skills, knowledge, digital tools and resources you need to design and deliver effective online English lessons. 

Wanting to improve your English language skills? Below, are a handful of the great resources we offer:

  • Linguaskill - quick and convenient online test to help organisations check the English levels of individuals and groups of candidates. It tests all four language skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening. 
  • Quiz Your English app - a fun way to test your English and allows learners from around the world to go head-to-head in an English language quiz.
  • Exam Lift app - the flexible way to improve your English on the go. Filled with a range of skills-based activities and exam practice. 
  • Evolve - a six-level English course that gets students speaking with confidence. 
  • English Grammar in Use - an award-winning app from the best-selling Grammar in Use author, Raymond Murphy. Used by millions of language learners and teachers around the world.

In addition, there are 85 free activities on offer to help you develop your language skills and practice your English. Included in these free resources are Virtually Anywhere, Cambridge English Write & Improve, products to help children learn English and webinars.

The team at Cambridge English have also partnered up with Cambridge University Press to create a range of free, online content for teachers and learners. With thousands of experiences, insights, ideas and resources for language teachers, the World of Better Learning blog is your place to explore articles, resources and interviews from industry experts.  

Cambridge Assessment International Education

Online tools for Cambridge schools and learners

We know that schools are doing outstanding work to deliver teaching remotely, and to support students and their families. We understand how important it is to keep students engaged and motivated, and for them to feel connected to their teachers, schools and fellow students. 

To help you with this, Cambridge Assessment International Education have published an array of resources designed to facilitate teaching and learning when school is closed. This section signposts you to: 

The team have recently published the six top tips for remote teaching and learning. Dr Julia Yu, Regional Professional Development Manager for East Asia, has shared the challenges of remote teaching in China during the Covid-19 outbreak.


Information and support for UK teachers, students and exam officers

Our UK exam board, OCR, have written a range of useful blogs to offer further help and support during these unprecedented times.

Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing

Digital solutions for admissions test-takers and institutions

There are a range of digital testing solutions on offer from Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing. Working in collaboration with Mettl, who offer our assessments via remote invigilation, students are able to take our admissions tests in their own home. Read the case study from Ashoka University, in New Dehli, India.

Preparation materials for our admissions tests have always been free and available online, there is no need for candidates to pay for preparation courses as everything you need to prepare can be found online. 

The Cambridge Personal Styles Questionnaire (CPSQ), is launching a new, user-friendly version of the online platform so that candidates can easily take the questionnaire at home.

Cambridge Assessment Network

Professional development and training for assessment professionals

The Cambridge Assessment Network provide professional development programmes and expert training for assessment professionals and organisations in the UK and internationally. They will continue to produce a range of online courses, seminars and blogs to help you throughout this period. 

Tips, advice and resources for education research  

Our partners at Cambridge University Press play a global role in education and research, sharing our University's mission to contribute to society through this work. Throughout these tricky times they are helping to bring the library to your home. Over 700 textbooks, currently available on Cambridge Core are freely available to students through their university library. Free access to research related to the coronavirus is also provided. 
Find tips and advice from teachers who have been affected and guidance for those facing or experiencing schools closures on the Brighter Thinking blog. Or, sign up for a free Cambridge Elevate 90-day trial to access digital teaching resources and services.
For interactive online learning, teaching and assessment resources for students and teachers, Cambridge HOTmaths is a high-quality maths resource for both school and at home. It is even suitable for those with no access to technology.

At Cambridge Assessment we have accelerated our move to digital, recognising that as educators it is important to be more creative than ever to serve students well.  

Last year we hosted our first  Summit of Education   at The Triangle, our global HQ. The day brought together a range of education specialists from around the world to discuss the #FutureOfLearning.   

The event’s keynote addresses from Rose Luckin and Geoff Stead discussed whether education is ready for AI and how learning and digitalisation can come together to solve problems for future learners. Both speeches are available to watch in full on our  Summit of Education   page.

Cambridge Assessment are doing all that we can to support you through these difficult times. We are talking with schools about what else we can do to support them with each new challenge this situation presents and we will add more content to this area over the coming weeks. 

In the meantime, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn for live updates, and read the latest coronavirus information from Cambridge Assessment. 

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