Top tips on preparing your application for our Postgraduate course

by The Assessment Network, 11 February 2025
Lady with folded arms smiling

With the application deadline for the Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Educational Assessment fast approaching, now's the time to start thinking about preparing your application. Read this handy guide on what you need to consider before applying and how you can prepare for the course.

1. Start preparing your application early

The application deadline for the 2025/26 entry to the course is 9 July 2025 and is fast approaching, so now's the time to start preparing! This article will provide useful hints and tips on what you need to apply, and how you can prepare for the course. 

Firstly, give yourself enough time to consider the requirements and if any questions come up, you can get in touch with us or the Faculty of Education PPD office for clarification.

Applications are considered to be complete once you have submitted all the application documents, including both references and supporting documentation. If applications are incomplete by the application deadline, it may not be possible to consider them. So make sure you have everything together in good time!

2. Consider your motivations for applying

You'll want to think about your motivation for study and how you’ll apply the learning from the course in practice. This will help to enrich your application and get across your suitability for the course. If applicable, getting your employer on board is also really important - understanding the impact the course can make will support this.

In this video you can hear from Dr Simon Child, Head of Assessment Training and Course Co-Director, about how the course can be transformative for students and the support that is on offer.

The course is worth 90 credits at Masters level and students completing the course will be eligible to apply to the second year of the Masters of Education (MEd) at the Faculty of Education. So if you're looking to work towards a full Masters, this course is a great stepping stone.

3. Evidence your professional expertise

You’ll need to show evidence of the following in your application:

  • Relevant experience of working in an educational or related professional setting (supported by a professional reference from a senior colleague)
  • A reflective and enquiring approach to your work that supports improvement in professional practice and/or policy (demonstrated through a personal statement)
  • The ability to work independently and collaboratively with the support of Faculty supervision (supported by a professional reference and personal statement)
  • A willingness and ability to engage with academic and professional literature that will support empirical and/or literature-based enquiry into policy and/or practice (demonstrated through relevant academic qualifications and/or examples of your professional writing)

So you'll need to have a think about who to choose as your referees (you’ll need two) who can comment on your suitability to study on this PPD programme. Your personal statement should be approximately 500 words outlining why you are applying for the course and what you hope to gain from it.

You can find more details on how to demonstrate the above criteria in the Faculty of Education Admissions Guidance document.

4. Find out what the studying experience is like

We have spoken to several past students about what it's like to study on the course. Through these blogs and videos, you'll gain a real insight into the practicalities of studying, as well as the future impact of your learning:

These resources will give you an idea of the support on offer, how studying can fit around your working life, and how the course will impact your day to day practice. As student Andrew Lea sees it, by thinking of the course as an extension to your day job - as it is designed to be - fitting the study into your working life become much more manageable.

As practice based course - you'll be sure to see the benefits of your learning right away.

5. Think about how you’ll be funding your study

For 2025/26 entry the course fees will be £5460 (Home) and £12240 (Overseas). If you are seeking funding from your employer to cover the costs of the course, we recommend thinking about how to articulate how your learning could benefit your school, institution or organisation.

George Vlachoniklis, a teacher who studied on the course last year offered up this advice, “If you can tailor your proposal to your employer to show how studying on the course will positively affect student outcomes, that will make it much more attractive. 

I also explained in my proposal that I would use my assignments to conduct research in the school – if you are researching and offering policy change proposals then it’s all for the benefit of your employer.”

6. Get an in-depth overview of the course

For a more detailed understanding you could catch up on our previous webinar and Q&A with Dr Simon Child and academic supervisors Tony Leech and Dr. Rebecca Conway, who provide insight into the support offered during the assignment writing process. 

You can also download a brochure and sign up for our email updates to be kept up to date with future webinars and key dates in your application process.

Good luck!

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