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(15 Oct 2014, 12:59)
Tim Oates of Cambridge Assessment warns against the dangers of 'naïve cherry-picking' and 'ineffective policy borrowing' from international surveys, but agrees that with careful thought and good understanding of other systems valuable lessons can be learnt.
Tim Oates, Group Director of Assessment Research and Development, Cambridge Assessment.
(15 Oct 2014, 15:45)
Isabel Nisbet of ALCAB: "values matter"; "we must educate in an international space"; "national education is a right, not an anachronistic embarrassment". To investigate the matters that Isabel is talking about in a little more depth, please see bibliography.
Isabel Nisbet, Executive Director, A Level Content Advisory Board (ALCAB).
(15 Oct 2014, 13:34)
Professor Jeremy Hodgen of King's College London reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of mathematics education in the UK. Do we over assess in the UK? Teachers say yes, but Jeremy says they are not using the information from assessment to inform teaching.
Jeremy Hodgen, Professor of Mathematics Education, King's College London.
(15 Oct 2014, 15:55)
Dr Karin Zimmer shares fascinating insights into the changes in educational policies and practice that Germany adopted as a response to TIMSS and PISA results of 1995 and 2000 respectively.
Dr Karin Zimmer, Researcher at German Institute for International Pedagogical Research.
(15 Oct 2014, 15:50)
"Local communities cannot function in isolation from international communities. The two need to work together." says Isabel Nisbet in response to a question on integrating cultural values with an international agenda.
The challenges of integrating international agenda with a national curriculum.
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