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(15 Oct 2014, 12:59)
Saul Nassé, Chief Executive of Cambridge English Language Assessment, previously Controller of BBC Learning, talks about the the power of English and the importance of relevant and timely digital content.
Saul Nassé, Chief Executive, Cambridge English Language Assessment.
(15 Oct 2014, 17:24)
Marc Tucker of NCEE gives a history lesson on the education system in the USA: "Countries will survive and prosper only if they provide for almost all their kids a kind and quality of education that up to now they have provided only to their elites."
Marc Tucker, President and CEO, National Center on Education and the Economy, USA.
(15 Oct 2014, 14:54)
David Graddol, Director of The English Company (UK) Ltd, illustrates how protesting students in Hong Kong are using English to communicate their agenda to the world.
Dr David Graddol, Director, The English Company (UK) Ltd.
(15 Oct 2014, 11:52)
"Do governments see international education as a threat?" "How do you measure soft skills?" Marc Tucker and David Graddol respond.
Speakers take questions from the floor and from colleagues in India, Johannesburg and Egypt.
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