
Educational standards over time: has mathematics education in England improved?

Professor Jeremy Hodgen (King's College London)

Date: 22 May 2013 Venue: Hughes Hall Mortimer Road Cambridge CB1 2EW
Type: Seminar Fee: Free to attend

Over the past 30 years there have been concerted reform initiatives directed at raising attainment in school mathematics, including the National Curriculum, National Testing and a rigorous school accountability and inspection regime. While national examination results at age 16 have shown steady and substantial rises, recent findings from the Increasing Student Competence and Confidence in Algebra and Multiplicative Structures (ICCAMS) study suggest that attainment has changed relatively little since 1970s.

Tim Oates, Group Director of Assessment Research and Development, was joined by Professor Jeremy Hodgen, Professor of Mathematics Education from King’s College, London, at a recent seminar hosted by the Cambridge Assessment Network to debate whether mathematics education in England has improved over recent years and what can be done to improve attainment. 

Professor Hodgen explained that better textbooks, more assessment, and studying maths to a later age would all help improve maths results for students. Tim Oates, meanwhile, called for a more balanced qualifications system to close the gaps in maths provision, particularly post 16.

Listen to the full seminar podcast and post-event interview with both presenters in the related materials section below.

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Mortimer Road Cambridge CB1 2EW

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