6th Cambridge Assessment Conference

Examining risk: deeper analysis of the pressures on assessment in England

Professor Ragnar Löfstedt (Director of the King’s Centre for Risk Management, King’s College London)
Professor Alastair Scotland (Former Director and Medical Director of the National Clinical Assessment Service)

Date: 10 Oct 2012 Venue: Downing College Regent Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1DQ
Type: Conference Fee: £210 (discounts available)

The 6th biennial Cambridge Assessment conference took place in Cambridge on 10 October 2012. Hosted by the Cambridge Assessment Network, it brought together more than 120 experts from within the education and assessment community with speakers from a wider range of backgrounds to consider the principles of risk and how they might apply to assessment and qualification systems.

As reported widely in the UK media, Chief Executive of Ofqual Glenys Stacey - who was one of the presenters at the conference - told delegates that the regulator is launching an investigation into marking standards. Ofqual is expected to make a series of recommendations in early 2013 into how to improve accuracy in marking.

The keynote speakers Professor Alastair Scotland, former Director of the National Clinical Assessment Service, and Professor Ragnar Löfstedt, Director of the King’s Centre for Risk Management, King’s College London, discussed the relationship between risk communication and regulation.

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