Parliamentary Research Enquiry: What can we learn from other improving school systems?

Parliamentary Research Enquiry: What can we learn from other improving school systems?
Date: 28 Jun 2011
Type: Seminar

Our eighth Parliamentary Research Enquiry brought together academics and policymakers to debate a recent McKinsey report 'How the world's most improved school systems keep getting better' and discuss which, if any, of the report's findings hold weight for future education reform.

Chaired by Graham Stuart MP, Chair of the Education Select Committee, guest speakers included: Professor David Raffe - Professor of Sociology of Education, University of Edinburgh; Dr Marian Sainsbury - Head of Centre for Evidence and Evaluation, National Foundation for Educational Research; and Professor Lorraine Dearden - Research Fellow in the Education, Employment and Evaluation Sector, Institute for Fiscal Studies; and Professor of Economics and Social Statistics, Institute of Education.

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