Past events

Past training courses


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  • International Society for Design and Development in Education (Conference)

    The established education society is hosting a conference to mark its thirteenth annual conference in California, USA. The conference welcomes delegates from around the world to exchange academic ideas and share experiences.

    06 - 09 Nov 2017 | 09:00 - 17:00 | USA

  • Centre for Education Economics roundtable forum: Evaluating accountability (Seminar)

    A Centre for Education Economics roundtable forum to discuss  school performance metrics is sponsored by Cambridge Assessment. Stakeholders will discuss how school accountability measures are designed and how they are achieved.

    18 Oct 2017 | 15:00 - 17:00 | London

  • World of Learning 2017 Conference and Exhibition (Conference)

    A two-day conference for all senior learning and development professionals. The World of Learning Conference combines extensive research with authoritative input from key industry figures, with an overview of the issues facing the senior L&D professionals.

    17 - 18 Oct 2017 | 09:00 - 17:00 | Birmingham

  • Assessing the world - visiting Cleverlands (Seminar)

    Lucy Crehan, education explorer and international education consultant will be talking about her research into the 'top-performing' education systems in six countries on four continents; the basis for her book, ‘Cleverlands: the secrets behind the success of the world's education superpowers’.

    12 Oct 2017 | Cambridge

  • Worlddidac Asia 2017 (Seminar)

    The leading Asian conference providing access to world-class educational resources is being held in Bangkok, Thailand. Tim Oates CBE, Group Director Assessment Research and Development is delivering a keynote presentation on Cambridge Approach to Textbooks.

    10 - 12 Oct 2017 | 09:00 - 17:00 | Thailand

  • Westminster Education Forum: Next steps for science education and STEM skills provision (Seminar)

    An opportunity for delegates to talk about science education at secondary level in England. Timed to follow the completion of the first full year of teaching the reformed GCSE science qualifications, delegates will share latest thinking on the new Key Stage 4 curriculum and assessment patterns rolled out in September 2016.

    09 Oct 2017 | 08:30 - 13:00 | London

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