Effective Vocational Education and Training

A young male and female crowd around a screen

For decades it has been argued that Britain lacks a well defined and rigorous vocational and practical education route. Spurred on by the continuing economic crisis all the political parties now seem to agree the value of vocational and technical education has never been higher. Technical Baccalaureates, traineeships, apprenticeships and University Technical Colleagues are just some of the ‘big ideas’ being espoused. But why has Britain failed to do what Germany has done? 

How do other countries fit vocational and academic learning into their education systems? And what are the key principles that would underpin a successful systemic shift? 

In a significant new paper, Cambridge Assessment’s Director of Assessment Research and Development, Tim Oates, looks at the whole issue of vocational and technical education in Britain and Europe. Providing an analysis based on evidence, Tim lays down some fundamental concepts and challenges some of the conventional wisdom. 

Committed to informing the public debate on education, Cambridge Assessment have sponsored and been working with Think Tank Policy Exchange on a major new pamphlet. This paper is published to coincide with the launch of that pamphlet and supports elements of their work. 

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