The Cambridge Mathematics Framework will be designed for all ages from 5 – 19 years, and its development will be led by academics and supported by a strong research base. We were honoured to be joined by leading UK and international experts who stimulated the debate on the Framework and the elements that will support it.
Lynne McClure
Director, Cambridge Mathematics
Lynne was appointed to the new post of Director of Cambridge Mathematics in November 2014.
Lynne has had a very varied career in mathematics education, with experience which ranges from headship of a small primary school to Principal Lecturer and course leader at Oxford Brookes and Edinburgh Universities. Whilst living in Scotland she ran her own consultancy which took her all over the world. She is the author or editor of many books and articles, was Principal Examiner for World Class Tests and is well known as a conference speaker and professional development lead.
Lynne chaired the teams which attempted to advise ministers on the content of the new English National Curriculum and associated assessments. She was a member of ACME from 2009 to 2013 and remains on the Outer Circle. Lynne has a first degree in Psychology, a PGCE, MA. and Dip.Math.Ed. She is a Chartered Maths Teacher and an invited Fellow of the IMA and ISDDE. She is delighted to be the current President of the Mathematical Association.
Lynne came to Cambridge Maths from the prestigious NRICH project where she was Director. She continues to be Principal Investigator on the DfE funded Cambridge Mathematics Education Project (CMEP). Both projects are based in the University's Centre for Mathematical Sciences.
Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz
Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge
Professor Margaret Brown OBE
King's College London
Margaret Brown is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Education at King's College London. She taught in primary and secondary schools and trained teachers before moving into educational research, and has directed over 20 research projects, relating to the learning, teaching and assessment of mathematics in all phases of education. She has been a member of government committees on the mathematics curriculum and assessment, and has received a Royal Society Kavli medal for contribution to research in mathematics education.
Professor Mike Askew
Adjunct Professor, Monash University, Australia
Mike Askew is Adjunct Professor at Monash University where, from 2010-14, he was Foundation Chair Professor of Primary Education. Previously Mike was Chair Professor of Mathematics Education at King’s College London. In 2006/07 he was distinguished visiting scholar to the ‘Math in the City’ project, City College, New York, working with teachers across Manhattan and Brooklyn. Mike was awarded, in 2011, the Claude Leon Foundation Distinguished Scholar and Visiting Professor position at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, where, later this year, he will be taking up the post of Distinguished Professor. Mike has directed many research projects including the influential 'Effective Teachers of Numeracy in Primary Schools' and was deputy director of the five-year Leverhulme Numeracy Research Programme, examining teaching, learning and progression in numeracy to students from age 5 to age 11. The findings from such research have influenced teaching, research and policy in England and internationally.
Professor Malcolm Swann
Director of the Centre for Research in Mathematics Education (CMRE), University of Nottingham
Professor Malcolm Swan is Director of Centre for Research in Mathematics Education at the University of Nottingham. After spending several years as a school mathematics teacher, Malcolm joined the University in 1979. Malcolm's research interests lie in the design of teaching, assessment and professional development. This involves designing and analysing processes and products with and for mathematics teachers and learners. More recently these have included the Mathematics Assessment Project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, that aims to help teachers integrate formative assessment into their everyday teaching.
Professor Birgit Pepin
Eindhoven School of Education, Technical University of Eindhoven
Dr Alison Clark-Wilson
Research Fellow, University College London, Institute of Education
Alison Clark-Wilson works as a Research Fellow at the London Knowledge Lab at the University College of London’s Institute of Education. She is currently a Co-Principal Investigator for the Nuffield Foundation’s Cornerstone Maths Project, which extends earlier project phases that were funded by Li Ka Shing Foundation.
Prior to taking up her role at the London Knowledge Lab, she worked at the University of Chichester where she designed and led postgraduate courses and projects for practising secondary mathematics teachers, often with an emphasis on the development of innovative pedagogies involving the use of mathematical technologies. She directed the UK evaluation of Texas Instruments’ TI-Nspire and the European evaluation of their TI-Nspire TI-Navigator network classroom system. From 2009-20012 Alison had the role of the project lead partner in the EU Comenius funded project EdUmatics, which involved 20 Partners from seven EU countries.
Alison has edited and authored three books, the most recent of which is The Mathematics Teacher in the Digital Age (with Ornella Robutti and Nathalie Sinclair, published 2014).
Alison is an active member of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, The Mathematical Association and is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. She is on the Executive Committee of the British Society for the Learning of Mathematics in the role of the convenor of the Mathematics Education SIG for the British Educational Research Association.
Madame Toh Hoon Sin
Senior Assessment Specialist (Mathematics), Assessment Planning and Development Division, Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board
Toh Hoon Sin is a Senior Assessment Specialist at Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB). Prior to joining SEAB, she taught A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics at junior colleges for more than ten years.
At SEAB, she is responsible for the assessment of Mathematics from the primary to junior college level. Her duties include development of examination syllabuses and assessment instruments, and providing advice on assessment.
Will Hornby
Maths and Technical Subject Specialist, Oxford, Cambridge and RSA
Will Hornby is a Mathematics Subject Specialist for Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR). Before joining OCR he worked as a private tutor with students from key stage three to undergraduate, as a Senior Assessor for OCR and Cambridge International Examinations, as an Associate Lecturer for the Open University and as a professional choral singer.
Having worked on the development of OCR’s reformed GCSE for 2015, he is now leading the development of OCR’s reformed Maths and Further Maths A levels for 2017 and continues as an Associate Lecturer for the Open University.
Peter Phillips
Chief Executive, Cambridge University Press
Charlie Gilderdale
Interim Director, NRICH, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Nigel Peake
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cambridge
Simon Lebus
Group Chief Executive, Cambridge Assessment