Foreword: Tim Oates CBE, Group Director, Assessment Research and Development
Editorial: Victoria Crisp, Senior Researcher, Research Division
The impact of taking Core Maths on students' higher education outcomes Tim Gill
Is one comparative judgement exercise for one exam paper sufficient to set qualification-level grade boundaries? Tom Benton
Accessibility of GCSE science questions that ask students to create and augment visuals: Evidence from question omit rates Santi Lestari
How do candidates annotate items in paper-based maths and science exams? Joanna Williamson
Learners' annotations and written markings when taking a digital multiple-choice test: What support is needed? Victoria Crisp, Sylvia Vitello, Abdullah Ali Khan, Heather Mahy and Sarah Hughes
Research News: Lisa Bowett
Research Matters issue 39
Issue 39 individual articles
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