Mathematics education timeline text version

Welcome to the timelines of mathematics education.. The timelines show events in mathematics education in England and the USA to allow easy comparisons of what has happened over time in the two countries. They will be useful if you are conducting research, teaching or if you are simply interested in mathematics education.

Traditional Teaching


In New and Complete System of Arithmetic – Composed for the Use of the Citizens of the United States, Nicolas Pike provides a scripted set of teaching protocols: first, state the arithmetic rule, then exemplify the rule, before finally encouraging students to complete a set of practice exercises.

Discovery Learning


Warren Colburn’s First Lessons in Arithmetic – was one of the first attempts to change the teaching approach from the traditionalist to more progressive ("new math"), encouraging pupils to discover rules themselves.

Mathematics education


The Southern and Western Calculator (Bridge) declares that rules are needed, and pupils cannot invent them.

Mathematics education


The Common School Arithmetic (Bates Botham) emphasises direct instruction, memorisation, and skill practice. Other publications at the time strengthened this popular perception.

Activity Movement


The Activity Movement (drawing on the writings of Kilpatrick) encourages integration of subjects in elementary schools and argues against separate instruction in mathematics and other subjects.

Mathematics education


Societal hope in progress through scientific method applied to classrooms through streamlining mathematics education.

The Newcastle report


The Newcastle committee was asked to investigate how to extend cheap elementary education to all children. The report states that a significant number of children weren’t in school at all, many other children attended for fewer than 100 days per year and that those attending did not achieve a high level of education.

Government code


The government implemented a new code where schools were paid by results. They got a grant for each child attending regularly who could pass an exam in reading, writing and arithmetic.

National curriculum


The first national curriculum was introduced. It listed the knowledge children should display at three stages of education: standard 1 (aged 7-8), standard 2 (aged 8-10) and standard 3 (aged 10+). It contained content similar to the modern curriculum, such as adding and subtracting figures up to 10 at standard 1.

Elementary Education Act


The Elementary Education Act guaranteed all children to receive an education between the ages of 5 and 13.

Mathematical Association


The Mathematical Association (MA) was formed to lobby government for alternative ways of teaching geometry.

Committee of Ten


National Education Association (NEA) appoints the Committee on Secondary School Studies. The Committee of Ten produce a report that establishes the traditional high school sequence of algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra as separate courses.

National curriculum


The first national curriculum was discontinued for financial reasons. There was no national curriculum in England from 1898 until 1989.

Education reform


The School and Society: Being Three Lectures (1899) by Father of Progressivism John Dewey promulgates many key precepts of later education reform.

School leaving examinations


Two new examinations were introduced: the School (leaving) Certificate (SC) for students aged 16 and the High School Leaving Certificate (HSC) for students aged 18. Mathematics was one of the subjects students were required to take.

Mathematics education


Kilpatrick (protégé of John Dewey) publishes The Problem of Mathematics in Secondary Education (one of the most influential documents for education in 20th Century).

Reacting to Progressivism


National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) founded, mostly through the instigation of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).



First NCTM president (C. M. Austin) promises that NCTM would “keep the values and interests of mathematics before the educational world” and urges that “curriculum studies and reforms and adjustments come from the teachers of mathematics rather than from the educational reformers.”

Mathematics education


Edward L. Thorndike’s The Psychology of Arithmetic emphasises extensive practice of isolated skills.



NCTM publishes Report of the National Committee on Mathematical Requirements - exerts some influence on public education. It proposes curricula for schools, documents the training of mathematics teachers in other countries, explores issues related to the psychology of learning mathematics, and justifies the study of mathematics in terms of its applications as well as its inherent value. NCTM play an important role in disseminating what becomes the 1923 Report.

The Hadow report


The Hadow report suggested that boys and girls should be taught the same curriculum, although it stated that girls should be given an extra year to study the content.

Teacher education


Foundations of Method (Kilpatrick) becomes a standard text for teacher education courses across the country.

School Certificate


The passing requirements were changed for the School Certificate so that students had to pass five subjects: one English subject, a language, a mathematics or science subject, plus two other subjects.

Mathematics education


William Brownell’s chapter titled 'Psychological considerations in the learning and the teaching of arithmetic' appears in NCTM’s 'The Teaching of Arithmetic' book.

Geometry teaching


The Board of Education recommended that practical work should be included in geometry teaching.

Teaching to the test


Increased concern over “teaching to the test” rather than teaching for understanding.

Mathematical Association


Creation of new committee by the Mathematical Association (MA) to look at mathematics teaching.

Mathematics education

1940 - 1950

Remarkable scientific and engineering advances prompting greater recognition of the importance of mathematics education in schools.

Norwood report


The Norwood report. Changes to exams and school system proposed.

Mathematics education

1942 - 1945

US government’s interest in mathematics education as a matter of national defence during the Second World War. Number of committees concerned about poor mathematical skills of officers joining armed forces.

Education Act


The Education Act new system of primary and secondary education. Free secondary education for all.


1944 - 1945

NCTM Commission on Post-War Plans report provides recommendations aimed at achieving “functional competence” in mathematics.

Life Adjustment Movement


New educational programme - Life Adjustment Movement, emerges from within education community. The Movement aims to provide a curriculum that would teach “life skills” that would be particularly valuable for students who did not plan to continue on to college or other types of postsecondary training after high school. The Movement gains traction throughout the 1940s, is touted by several federal and state education agencies, and criticised by academics.

Life Adjustment Movement

1946 - 1949

The public-school system is met with criticism and the Life Adjustment Movement fizzles out.

Mathematics education


Steelman’s presidential report 'Manpower for Research', argues that the requirement for successful high school mathematics programmes would lead to an increased number of scientists/engineers.

Life Adjustment Movement


Life Adjustment Movement gains substantial support among educators.

O Levels and A Levels


O Levels and A Levels replaced the School Certificate (SC) and the Higher School Certificate (HSC).

New Math

1951 - 1969

Its focus is on instruction in abstract mathematical concepts at elementary grades, curricula that emphasises coherent logical explanations for mathematical procedures and a move away from anti-intellectualism of the previous half-century. Led by mathematicians, seeks to emphasise conceptual understanding rather than learning of isolated skills.

New Math


University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics is the first major project linked with the New Math era.



The Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics (ATAM) established.



College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) establishes a Commission on Mathematics to investigate the needs of the American youth.



University interest in secondary education finds its voice in CEEB Commission on Mathematics – 1st national proposal for reorganisation of secondary mathematics curriculum to include “modern mathematics”.



ATAM first journal Mathematics Teaching appears.



MA published the Teaching of Mathematics in Primary School report.



Advances of Soviet technology exemplified by Sputnik foster an environment constructive for the reform of mathematics education in the US America’s scientific community.

Mathematics education


Congress passes the National Defence Education Act to increase the number of science, mathematics and foreign language majors as a response to the Sputnik launch.



American Mathematical Society sets up the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG), led by Edward G. Begle (Yale), to develop new high school curriculum.



Two reforms: National Defence Education Act (NDEA), and the School Mathematics Study Group created by the National Science Foundation (NSF).



NCTM sets up its own curriculum committee – Secondary School Curriculum Committee.

Beloe report


The Beloe report. Proposed CSE as alternative to O Levels.

Progressive education


A. S. Niell's Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing (1960) - an account of a radically progressive school in England was published. Hugely influential, by 1970, Summerhill had sold 200,000 copies and is regarded as required reading on 600 university courses.

The Midland Mathematics Experiment


The Midland Mathematics Experiment (MME).



The Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics (ATAM) becomes the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM).

The School Mathematics Project


The School Mathematics Project (SMP) was established. SMP developed O level and A level courses to decrease the gap between school and university mathematics, and that contained some aspects of 'modern mathematics' such as transformation, vectors and matrices, and statistics. Teachers in the first schools to teach the courses developed text books teachers guides to support other teachers.

Cambridge Conference


First phase of reform movement aimed at college students. The Cambridge Conference marks a second phase in which redesign of instruction for all grades and all levels is important.

New Math

1963 - 1967

Half of all high schools adopt New Math. The New Math initiative generates hundreds of new textbooks in order to facilitate quick and radical curriculum changes.



Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) was founded. MEI developed O level and A level syllabuses, consulting companies and university departments to understand what content they wanted included. Early MEI syllabuses contained topics such as probability that were not common in other syllabuses at that time.



Joint Mathematical Council formed to improve mathematics teaching in the UK.

Schools Council


Schools Council formed to regulate exam syllabuses in the UK.

Nuffield mathematics


The Nuffield mathematics project started. It created a contemporary mathematics course for students aged 5 to 13, with its content heavily influenced by modern mathematics.

Education Act


The Elementary and Secondary Education Act continues to offer funding for new developments.

Schools Council


Schools Council for the Curriculum and Examinations of Mathematics in Primary Schools established. Course design still left to teachers, but in practice, teachers followed courses in textbooks.



Beginning of the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE).

Schools Council


Schools Council for the Curriculum and Examinations of Mathematics in Primary Schools established. Course design still left to teachers, but in practice, teachers followed courses in textbooks.

Mathematics for the Majority


Mathematics for the Majority project started. It designed a mathematics course for secondary modern and comprehensive school students aged 11 to 15. All the content was made applicable to students' lives. The course contained topics not previously considered suitable for these students, such as probability.



The Plowden report published. It recommended a flexible, child-led curriculum, focusing on topics or projects, and for exploration and discovery in learning.

Mathematics education


Two important questions in mathematics continue: •What mathematics should students learn – facts, skills and procedures or concepts and understanding? •How should students learn: teacher-directed with focus on memorisation or student-centred through reasoning and discovery?

Open Education Movement

1970 - 1973

Development of the Open Education Movement -especially pronounced in relation to disadvantaged and low-income students.



Decimalisation of currency – currency now based on multiples of 10 and 100. Students spend less time on numerical calculations.



National Institute of Education (NIE) established then transferred to Office of Educational Research and Improvement, US Department of Education in 1980. Provides leadership in conduct and support of scientific inquiry into educational process of the time. NIE generates educational research and development and sponsored a number of studies including the Beginning Teacher Evaluation Study (1972-1978).

New Math

1974 - 1979

Many education experts concede New Math is not a success. New math fails because it is unable to raise computational skills. Though not an objective of New Math developers, perception popularised in books like 'Why Johnny can’t add: The failure of new math'.

GCSE development


The Waddell committee recommended a single examination system at 16. Their recommendations led to the development of the GCSE.



The government commissioned the Cockcroft report into mathematics teaching in response to several concerns including children's lack of basic computation skills.



Agenda for Action (NCTM) recommends problem solving should become main instruction of school mathematics curriculum.



Electronic calculators began to be owned by schools.



The Cockcroft report ‘Mathematics Counts’ was published – one of the most seminal texts of the last century. It made many recommendations for mathematics teaching and learning, and also contained a list of the mathematics objectives students should have mastered by the age of 16. These objectives included understanding and application as well as facts and procedures.

Lower Attainers


The Lower Attainers Mathematics Project (LAMP) established.

A Level


Introduction of subject cores for A Levels made A Level Mathematics more accessible than they were between 1951- 1983.

Mathematics reform


A Nation at Risk (NCEE) fashions an environment that made it possible to attempt to reform mathematics education.

Mathematics education


Missouri Mathematics Effectiveness Project explores efficacy of experimental teaching programme.



The work of the Joint Council for CSE and GCE examinations led to the government introducing the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).

Schools Council


End to the Schools Council, which regulated the exam syllabus in the UK since 1964.

Mathematics education


The Mathematics 5-16 report published. It made recommendations about the mathematics curriculum and the way mathematics was taught.

Raising Achievement


The Raising Achievement in Mathematics (RAMP) project was established. It aimed to improve students' learning by developing teachers' knowledge and behaviour.

White paper


The government White paper ‘Better Schools’ was published. It called for a single examination, GCSEs, to replace O levels and CSE.



The Calculator Aware Number Curriculum project was established. It investigated how to implement the Cockcroft report's endorsement for the use of calculators in primary schools.



NCTM establishes Commission on Standards for School Mathematics (CSSM).

New Standards

1987 - 1989

Re-emphasis on meaning and role of conceptual understanding in mathematics. Other standards created by the NCTM: •Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics •Assessment Standards for School Mathematics •Principles and Standards for School Mathematics

Mathematics education


Richard Skemp's 'The Psychology of Learning Mathematics' contends that progress in the areas of learning and teaching mathematics can only be made when such factors as the abstract and hierarchical nature of mathematics, the relation to mathematical symbolism and the distinction between intelligent learning and rote memorisation are taken into account and instituted in the classroom. Skemp’s thinking underscores the standing of knowledge organisation and function of conceptual understanding in well-developed schema.



Mathematics GCE O Level exams at 16 in the UK (not Scotland) replaced by the GCSE. First GCSE examinations.



The Education Reform Act established the National Curriculum for 5-16-year-olds in England and Wales for three core subjects (including mathematics) and seven foundation subjects. It was taught from September 2009.



GCSE exams replaced O levels at age 16 in the UK (not Scotland) from 1998. GCSE Mathematics had three tiers of examinations: Higher (A*-D), Intermediate (B-F), Foundation (D-G). Coursework was compulsory. Formula lists were provided and calculators were allowed in all papers.

NCTM Standards


NCTM’s ‘Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics’ promotes a variation of progressivism - “constructivism”. By the end of the 1980s, a number of cognitively-oriented mathematics researchers have already inclined towards constructivist theory. Their labours resulted in attempts to re-emphasise the meaning and role of conceptual understanding in mathematics. National Science Foundation is the primary driver for implementing the NCTM Standards across American schools.

National curriculum


First teaching of the national curriculum in September 1989.

Mathematics curriculum

1990 - 1999

Growing criticisms from professional mathematicians of NCTM aligned reform curricula raises possibility that real focus of reform movement is constructivist classroom techniques rather than “high-level mathematical thought.” Textbooks during the 1990s, for example, appear to contribute to Piaget’s ideas about developmental stages of learning, and Vygotsky’s concept, “Zone of Proximal Development” – philosophies that appear to be consistent with child-centred, co-operative learning approaches to education long favoured by colleges of education. As such, the textbooks depend on student “discoveries" that are considered supplementary to solving “real world problems”.


1990 - 1999

NSF is responsible for K-12 mathematics programmes: •Contemporary Mathematics in Context (Core-Plus Mathematics Project) (9-12), •Interactive Mathematics Program (9-12), •MATH Connections: A Secondary Mathematics Core Curriculum (9-11), •Mathematics: Modelling Our World (ARISE) (9-12), •SIMMS Integrated Mathematics: A Modelling Approach Using Technology (9-12).



First changes to National Curriculum. The content was unchanged, but the number of attainment targets was reduced from fourteen to five.

Teacher education


Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics released.

NCTM Standards


Wide-state systemic initiatives – grants designed to encourage state education institutions to align state mathematics standards to the NCTM standards, resulting in uniformity and adherence to these standards at state level.

School Performance tables


School performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) were introduced. These list individual schools' performances against key measures.



Dearing Review of the National Curriculum. Dearing recommended reducing the number of attainment targets and slimming down the curriculum content.

Assessment boycott

1993 - 1994

National teacher boycott of all national assessments – no requirement for continuous assessment.

Specialist Schools Programme

1993 - 1997

Specialist Schools Programme in England allowed schools to specialise in a particular subject. Fifteen new City Technology Colleges focused on mathematics.



A* grade introduced at GCSE and GCSE coursework became optional.



NSF launched Urban Systemic Initiative (USI). Grants aimed to implement the NCTM agenda at school district level in large cities. Followed by a program for Rural Systemic Initiatives.



600+ parents signed a petition asking the school district Palo Alto in California to retain a traditional pre-algebra curriculum.



Leaked set of TIMMS results showed primary number skills worsening. Teaching methods blamed.

National tests


National tests introduced for Key Stage 2 (taken by 10-11 year olds) and Key Stage 3 (taken by 13-14 year olds).



The Mathematically Correct website was created and was used to challenge the NCTM agenda.



Assessment Standards for School Mathematics released.

NCTM Standards


By 1995, 41 states had created state standards or curriculum frameworks consistent with NCTM standards.



As a response to poorer number skills, mental arithmetic tests and non-calculator tests were added to end of key stage national exams.



Dearing review of qualifications for 16-19 year-olds. The review was asked to suggest ways improve the framework of qualifications.

Numeracy Strategy


The new Secretary of State (Gillian Shephard) announced the launch of the National Numeracy and Literacy project to raise standards of basic skills.

AS Level


The AS Level was introduced and the core content changed for A level.



First available results of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) published. The US 8th grade (13-14 year old) students scored slightly below international average in mathematics.



The adoption of the LAUSD/LASI (Los Angeles Unified School District/Los Angeles Strategic Initiative) standards for mathematics and three other subjects. Textbooks and curricula aligned to these standards were disseminated to schools.



MathLand – one of the most controversial curriculum programmes at that time – was aligned to the NCTM Standards. It focused on conceptual understanding,reasoning, problem solving and communication, and required students to invent their own arithmetic methods rather than using the standard algorithms.



Achieve (reform organisation aiming to raise academic standards) founded at the National Education Summit.



NSF clarified its assumptions about effective, standards-based education. NSF clear in its support of the NCTM Standards and of progressive education – supported the creation of commercial mathematics curricula aligned to the NCTM Standards.


1997 - 1999

Computers integrated into mathematics education at primary and secondary levels.

NCTM Standards


NSF sponsors The K-12 Mathematics Curriculum Center organisation. It aims to support schools in building an education programme using curriculum materials developed for the NCTM’s Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics.

NCTM Standards


Most states adopt mathematics standards closely aligning the NCTM Standards.



Systemic initiatives like LAUSD in Los Angeles successful in promoting NCTM Standards.

Massachusetts and California


Noyce Foundation actively promotes NCTM-aligned mathematics curricula in Massachusetts and parts of California.



Academic Content and Performance Standards Commission (Standards Commission) asked to write mathematics standards for California and submit draft to the State Board of Education for final approval.



Second TIMSS report published comparing 4th grade (9-10 year-old) students in mathematics. US students slightly above international average.



LAUSD standards weak and vague and a source of controversy.



Tiering grades revised in mathematics: Higher tier (A*-C), Intermediate (B-E), Foundation (D-G).



More than half of all LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) schools using mathematics curricula aligned to NCTM Standards.



Final TIMSS report compared students at the end of high school. Mathematics achievement of US 12th grade (17-18 year-old) students along lowest of participating nations.



Mathematics Framework for standards in California adopted by California State Board of Education. Following the adoption of the new framework, funding was provided to buy instructional materials that were aligned to the new standards. Despite identifying textbooks that align to the new state standards, resistance to California standards at local school district level is significant.

Tensions in mathematics education


At the end of the 1990s, mathematics education policies in public schools are in a state of fluidity, with tensions between parents/mathematicians and professional educators. Widespread implementation of NCTM reforms creates resistance.

Numeracy Strategy


National Numeracy Strategy set out targets and aims for mathematics through yearly teaching programmes to show how maths could be planned taught from reception (aged 5) to year 6 (aged 11).

Learning to Succeed


The Department for Education and Employment published the White Paper "Learning to Succeed": a new framework for post-16 learning.



The Excellence in Cities report led to the Advanced Extension Award (AEA) in 2002, replacing the S-level for the top 10% of A-level candidates.

GCSE mathematics


Common formula sheet introduced to GCSE mathematics.



Improving literacy and numeracy: A fresh start report showed low levels of adult numeracy and literacy.

Urban Systemic Program


Urban Systematic Initiative (USI) evolved into Urban Systemic Program (USP). It aimed to provide a more rigorous science and mathematics education to students in some of the largest urban primary and secondary schools in the US, particularly minority groups.

Mathematics education


Release of Liping Ma’s Basic Skills Versus Conceptual Understanding: A Bogus Dichotomy in Mathematics Education. Argues it is not possible to teach conceptual understanding in mathematics without the supporting basic skills, and basic skills are weakened by a lack of understanding.

GCSE mathematics


All GCSEs required to have a non-calculator paper.

National Strategies

2000 - 2004

National Strategies contract first delivered by CfBT, later passed to Capita.

A Levels

2000 - 2004

Curriculum 2000. Students can take between five and six A Levels, compared to the traditional three or four. Structure of A Levels changed to six modules studied over two years; first half (the AS) assessed at the end of the first year and the second half (A2 level) assessed at the end of the second year.

National tests

2000 - 2004

Attainment in primary mathematics appeared to increase. Mathematics education in primary schools highly standardised.

NCTM Standards


NCTM release Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (PSSM). It is a revision of the 1989 NCTM Standards and intends to address some of the criticism of the first document.

Skills for life


The national strategy for improving adult literacy and numeracy skills. Government’s response to Moser report.

No Child Left Behind


Congress passes the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. The Act aims for all students to succeed and aims to reduce gaps. The Act authorises financial incentives for schools with good performance. The principal law for K-12 general education in the US from 2002 to 2015.

Math Wars


First attempt at finding peace in Math Wars. National Research Council publish Adding It Up, which suggests that pitting skill against understanding creates a false dichotomy.



Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) set up to provide advice to the government. Mathematics and Computing Colleges introduced.

GCSE mathematics


Start of a common approach to assessing the Using and Applying Mathematics (Ma1) assessment objective – 50% coursework and 50% examination.



The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) replaced the Joint Council for General Qualifications.

Smith Report


The Smith Report (Making mathematics count) published. It identified three areas of major concern: the shortage of specialist mathematics teachers; the failure of the curriculum, assessment and qualifications framework to meed many learners' needs; and the lack of infrastructure, resources and a professional development culture to support mathematics teachers.

National tests


Key Stage 1 national tests (taken by 6-7 year-olds) changed from externally marked to teacher-marked assessments.



National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics (NCETM) set up.

A level


Stretch and challenge and A* grade introduced to A2 level. The aim was to develop broader skills and distinguish between candidates at the highest level. the changes affected exams from 2010 onwards.

GCSE mathematics


GCSE mathematics moved from three tiers to two tiers: Higher (grades A*-C) and Foundation (grades C-G).

Williams report


The Williams’ review of primary mathematics teaching was published, leading to the Mathematics Specialist Teaching Programme.

Mathematics education


National Mathematics Advisory Panel Report provides recommendations based on research literature. It suggests that research does not support instruction that is either completely ‘student-centred’ or ‘teacher-directed’. The curriculum should simultaneously develop conceptual understanding, computational fluency and problem-solving skills.

National tests


Key Stage 3 national tests (for 13-14 year-olds) abolished (including mathematics).

Rose review


The Rose review of primary education published. It recognised the value of cross-curricula studies as well as individual subjects. In mathematics, it stated that by the time children are seven they should have a good grasp of the numeracy skills they needed to make good progress.

Cambridge review


The Cambridge Primary review was published. It considered 10 themes including curriculum and assessment. It recommended basing education around twelve aims and eight domains of knowledge rather than the traditional core and non-core subjects. In mathematics, it recommended removing the national numeracy strategy and ensuring mathematics was reintegrated with the rest of the curriculum.

GCSE mathematics


Coursework assessment removed in GCSE mathematics.

Nuffield review


The findings from the Nuffield review of 14-19 education and training were published. It made five recommendations: to re-assert a broader vision of education, to ensure system performance indicators are fit for purpose, to redistribute power and decision making to give more room to the learner voice, to create strongly collaborative local learning systems, and to develop a more unified system of qualifications.

Race to the Top


Introduction of the Race to the Top grant program by President Obama. The programme aims to support schools in reducing gaps between students.

National strategies


The National Numeracy Strategy ended and was replaced by other DfE recommended schemes.

School governance


Reduced role of local authorities and rise of Multi-Academy Trusts.



The English Baccalaureate introduced to encourage the study of English, mathematics, science, a language and history or geography.

Teacher education


The NCETM had an increasing role in supporting mathematics-specific professional development. The organisation was responsible for developing and co-ordinating mathematics professional development as an additional layer to existing initiatives (rather than as a replacement).

Mathematics education report


Hodgen et al.’s report about upper secondary mathematics education showed England as an outlier in its provision of mathematics for 16-19 year-olds as it was not a compulsory subject. England was also unusual for including mechanics within mathematics rather than physics.

Common Core


The Common Core State Standards were published. These standards were intended to provide the same education to all students across the country and their development was supported by 51 states and territories. They emphasised both skill development and student understanding.



President Obama administration release blueprint for reform of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which replaces the NCLB Act. NCLB considered controversial because it punished schools that did not demonstrate improvement. The incoherence of fifty different sets of standards, tests, and passing scores provoked by NCLB, together with exaggerations of student learning on state tests compared to NAEP results, created fertile ground for the concept of the Common Core to gain traction.

Common Core


By 2011 most states adopted the Common Core Standards.

GCSE mathematics


Strengthened assessment for GCSE mathematics (specification content did not change).

Mathematics mastery


Adoption of the Mathematics Mastery curriculum and professional development programmes in many UK schools.



Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) – US performs better than other progressive nations in mathematics, ranking 36/65. Many students focused on memorising.

Free Schools


Mathematics free schools opened in some cities and areas of the UK.



National Curriculum made non-compulsory for Academies.

Mathematics Hubs


Increased level of centralisation, with guidance on mathematics teaching disseminated through new Mathematics Hubs.



A new curriculum for Mathematics GCSE and English introduced, with a new grading scale of 1-9.

Core Mathematics


New Core Mathematics qualifications introduced for first teaching in order to provide alternative pathway to AS/A Level Mathematics for students with good GCSE pass grade who intend to progress to HE courses or employment that require significant use of mathematics (e.g. psychology or geography degrees).



TIMSS study. US 4th graders’ (9-10 year-olds) average mathematics score higher than the average of students in 34 education systems. Both 4th and 8th graders (13-14 year-olds) show long-term improvement since 1995.



PISA tests – examines students’ understanding of mathematics and other subjects. US average score in mathematics decreases by 11 points.



Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) passes in the houses of Congress. Replaces the NCLB legislation.



First year for reformed 9-1 graded GCSEs. Subject content changed, new grading system covers higher tier grades (9-4) and foundation tier grades (5-1). Fewer formulae provided and no formulae sheet in exams, additional content, some topics moved from higher to foundation tier.

A Level mathematics


New A Levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics first introduced for teaching.

GCSE mathematics


The reformed 2015 GCSE has more content and emphasis on problem solving. Examined for the first time in 2017.

National Reference Test


The National Reference Test for mathematics and English language introduced, testing changes in performance standards over time.

Reception Baseline


After a primary assessment consultation, plans were made to introduce a statutory Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) in autumn 2021 (postponed from 2020 due to COVID-19) to show progress from reception (4-5 years) to end of KS2 (10-11 years). The RBA to assess language, communication, literary and mathematics.

A Level mathematics


First assessment of the new Mathematics A Level.

Multiplication Tables Check

2019 - 2020

Introduction of the Multiplication tables check (MTC) assessment for key stage 2 students, assessing Year 4 (8-9 year-old) pupils’ recall of multiplication tables. Postponed due to COVID-19.

T Level


The first T Levels (new, more practical level 3 qualifications) available in some colleges in England. More T Level courses to become available in 2021.



The ESSA was legislation due to be re-authorised, but this has not happened yet.