International Society for Design and Development in Education

International Society for Design and Development in Education

Speakers: Rachael Horsman, Cambridge Mathematics Lead, Cambridge Mathematics
Ellen Jameson, Research Officer, Cambridge Mathematics
Vinay Kathotia, Framework Developer, Cambridge Mathematics
Darren Macey, Framework Developer, Cambridge Mathematics
Lynne McClure, Director of Cambridge Mathematics
Lucy Rycroft-Smith, Research and Communications Officer, Cambridge Mathematics
Date: 06 - 09 Nov 2017 Venue: The Faculty Club Minor Lane Berkeley California, USA 94720
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Type: Conference Fee: Invitation only

This year's International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE) conference in California brings together leaders from schools, universities, local governments and education communities from around the world. They will come together to explore the conference theme, Broader Participation in Design and hear plenary talks by educational designers and project leaders.

At this conference, delegates will hear two presentations by colleagues from Cambridge Mathematics team, part of Cambridge Assessment. The first presentation Co-designing co-design: Building Tools for Bridging Implicit Knowledge and Domain Research in Mathematics Curriculum Development, will discuss the toolkit which the team has been developing over the last two years as part of the Cambridge Mathematics Framework. It is designed to help them structure discussions of work in progress among team members and with collaborating researchers and curriculum designers. The second presentation Keeping the Focus on the Journey: Designing Flexible Tools to Support Curriculum and Resource Development at Multiple Scale. At this presentation, the team will further explore Cambridge Mathematics Framework and a set tools they are designing for building, changing, and exploring a connected map of mathematics learning that can provide a common frame of reference. More information about the Cambridge Mathematics Framework can be found here.

The leading Mathematics expert Lynne McClure, Director of Cambridge Mathematics is the conference Chair of ISDDE this year, and will share her knowledge and experience in Mathematics curriculum development.

More information about the conference and how to register can be found on the ISDDE's website.

Visit Cambridge Mathematics website to learn more about their research.

Related Materials
Darren Macey, Framework Developer, Cambridge Mathematics, blogged about calculating mean values in statistically meaningful ways. Visit the Mathematical Salad section of Cambridge Mathematics' website to read about When does mean have meaning?

Minor Lane Berkeley California, USA 94720